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Maybe She’s Born With It, Maybe It’s Neurodivergency

Site Intuitive Installation

Maybe She’s Born With It, Maybe It’s Neurodivergency is an homage to my lived experience as a Queer-Neurodivergent individual navigating a world that was not made for me. This site reactive installation challenges the hegemonic notion of ‘normalcy’ and opens up a dialogue about the oppressive structures that we live within and are confined by.


I impart the meaning of the grid as a symbol for neurotypicality, white supremacy, heteronormativity, and patriarchy. Alongside the grid is a hieroglyph of my own creation, a tight yet explosive gestural mark, a visual metaphor for my neurodivergent physical, mental and emotional discomfort. Combining these seemingly oppositional forms, I disrupt the grid visually and physically through a variety of print and papermaking processes.

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